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You've looked for: Locomotives current class 60 operated by Rail Force.
(click here to include the transformed vehicles too)
Found 4 results. Pictures per row: [2] [3] [4] [5]
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 60 1083 4
Class 60 of Rail Force
Station Brasov (BV)
March 11, 2024, Stefan Puscasu
(other 2 pics with 92 53 0 60 1083 4)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 60 1661 7
(ex 60-1661-2)
Class 60 of Rail Force
Yard Brasov (BV)
November 17, 2023, Stefan Puscasu
(other pic with 92 53 0 60 1661 7)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 60 1697 1
Class 60 of Rail Force
Station Brasov (BV)
September 2, 2022, Stefan Puscasu
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 60 of Rail Force
June 21, 2007, Florin Popa