Home -> Romanian Locomotives -> Search

You've looked for: Locomotives in Brasov.
Found 535 results; displaying from 361 to 375. See also [1..15] [16..30] [31..45] [46..60] [61..75] [76..90] [91..105] [106..120] [121..135] [136..150] [151..165] [166..180] [181..195] [196..210] [211..225] [226..240] [241..255] [256..270] [271..285] [286..300] [301..315] [316..330] [331..345] [346..360] ... [376..390] [391..405] [406..420] [421..435] [436..450] [451..465] [466..480] [481..495] [496..510] [511..525] [526..535]. Pictures per row: [2] [3] [4] [5]
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 60 of CFR Calatori
Brasov (BV)
October 13, 2008, Stefan Puscasu
(other 6 pics with 60-1050-8)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 60 1083 4
Class 60 of Rail Force
Station Brasov (BV)
March 11, 2024, Stefan Puscasu
(other 2 pics with 92 53 0 60 1083 4)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 60 1092 5
(ex 60-1092-0)
Class 60 of CFR Marfa
Yard Brasov (BV)
November 23, 2023, Stefan Puscasu
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(ex 60-1179-5)
(-> 92 53 0 64 1179 2)
Class 65 of CFR Calatori
Station Brasov (BV)
December 28, 2013, Stefan Puscasu
(other 6 pics with 65-1179-4)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 64 1179 2
(ex 65-1179-4)
Class 65 of CFR Calatori
Station Brasov (BV)
August 10, 2021, Stefan Puscasu
(other pic with 92 53 0 64 1179 2)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 92 53 0 64 1190 9)
Class 65 of CFR Calatori
Station Brasov (BV)
February 26, 2007, Stefan Puscasu
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 64 1190 9
(ex 65-1190-1)
Class 65 of CFR Calatori
Station Brasov (BV)
November 13, 2020, Stefan Puscasu
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 62 of CFR Marfa
Brasov (BV)
June 28, 2009, Enache Cerbu
(other pic with 62-1194-0)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 65 of CFR Calatori
Station Brasov (BV)
December 25, 2010, Stefan Puscasu
(other 7 pics with 65-1219-8)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 60 1223 6
(ex 60-1223-1)
Class 60 of Unicom Tranzit
Yard Brasov (BV)
November 17, 2023, Stefan Puscasu
(other 2 pics with 92 53 0 60 1223 6)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 60 of Unicom Tranzit
Station Brasov (BV)
February 26, 2007, Stefan Puscasu
(other 5 pics with 60-1237-1)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 60 of CFR Calatori
Brasov (BV)
October 13, 2008, Stefan Puscasu
(other pic with 60-1274-4)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 64 1280 8
(ex 65-1280-0)
Class 65 of CFR Calatori
Station Brasov (BV)
August 28, 2016, Stefan Puscasu
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

92 53 0 60 1325 9
(ex 60-1325-4)
Class 60 of CFR Marfa
Station Brasov (BV)
March 11, 2024, Stefan Puscasu
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 62 of CFR Calatori
Depot Brasov (BV)
July 22, 2010, Florin Mihai
(other 6 pics with 62-1348-2)