 91 53 0 41 0112 3 (ex 41-0112-7)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) April 23, 2021, Stefan Puscasu (other pic with 91 53 0 41 0112 3) |
 91 53 0 41 0121 4 (ex 41-0121-8)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) September 22, 2021, Calin Strimbu |
 91 53 0 40 0218 0 (ex 40-0218-4)
Class 40 of Rail Cargo Station Fetesti (IL) April 23, 2021, Stefan Puscasu (other pic with 91 53 0 40 0218 0) |
 41-0294-3 (-> 91 53 0 41 0294 9)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) July 6, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 9 pics with 41-0294-3) |
 45-0321-5 (-> 91 53 0 450 321 1)
Class 45 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) July 6, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 8 pics with 45-0321-5) |
 91 53 0 450 322 9 (ex 45-0322-3)
Class 45 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) March 26, 2021, Stefan Puscasu |
 91 53 0 450 343 5 (ex 45-0343-9)
Class 45 of CFR Calatori Fetesti (IL) March 26, 2021, Stefan Puscasu |
 45-0351-2 Class 45 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 9 pics with 45-0351-2) |
 45-0362-9 Class 45 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 4 pics with 45-0362-9) |
 45-0363-7 (-> 91 53 0 450 363 3)
Class 45 of CFR Calatori Station Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 6 pics with 45-0363-7) |
 45-0374-4 (-> 91 53 0 450 374 0)
Class 45 of CFR Calatori Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 9 pics with 45-0374-4) |
 41-0375-0 (-> 40-0375-2)
Class 41 of CFR Marfa Station Fetesti (IL) November 20, 2010, Gabriel Dumitriu (other 4 pics with 41-0375-0) |
 40-0376-0 Class 40 of CFR Marfa Station Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 4 pics with 40-0376-0) |
 91 53 0 450 397 1 (ex 45-0397-5)
Class 45 of CFR Calatori Fetesti (IL) April 23, 2021, Stefan Puscasu (other pic with 91 53 0 450 397 1) |
 40-0462-8 (-> 91 53 0 40 0462 4)
Class 40 of Grup Transport Feroviar Station Fetesti (IL) July 6, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 9 pics with 40-0462-8) |
 40-0468-5 (-> 91 53 0 40 0468 1)
Class 40 of CFR Marfa Station Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 3 pics with 40-0468-5) |
 91 53 0 40 0489 7 (ex 40-0489-1)
Class 40 of CFR Marfa Station Fetesti (IL) April 23, 2021, Stefan Puscasu |
 40-0495-8 Class 40 of CFR Marfa Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 2 pics with 40-0495-8) |
 40-0500-5 (-> 91 53 0 40 0500 1)
Class 40 of CFR Marfa Station Fetesti (IL) March 30, 2007, Stefan Puscasu (other 2 pics with 40-0500-5) |
 40-0531-0 (-> 47 6-531-9)
Class 40 of SAAF Fetesti (IL) January 23, 2007, Stefan Puscasu |