Home -> Romanian Locomotives -> Search

You've looked for: Locomotives in Campina.
Found 69 results; displaying from 1 to 25. See also [26..50] [51..69]. Pictures per row: [2] [3] [4] [5]
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0004 2)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
October 23, 2011, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 13 pics with 41-0004-6)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0005 9)
Class 40 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
July 29, 2013, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 5 pics with 40-0005-5)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(ex 41-0008-7)
(-> 91 53 0 41 0008 3)
Class 40 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
July 16, 2011, Stefan Puscasu
(other 12 pics with 060-EA-008)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 40 of Unicom Tranzit
(ex-CFR Infrastructura)
Station Campina (PH)
August 26, 2009, Aurel Mihail Dumitrescu
(other 2 pics with 40-0010-5)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0011 7)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
January 6, 2011, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 9 pics with 41-0011-1)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0013 3)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
April 16, 2011, Stefan Puscasu
(other 8 pics with 060-EA1-013)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 474 052 4)
Class 40 of CFR Marfa
Station Campina (PH)
March 6, 2011, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 3 pics with 40-0015-4)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0055 4)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
May 21, 2011, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 10 pics with 41-0055-8)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 40 0078 8
(ex 40-0078-2)
Class 40 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
November 19, 2017, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other pic with 91 53 0 40 0078 8)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 40 0081 2
(ex 41-0081-4)
Class 40 of Vest Trans Rail
Station Campina (PH)
February 1, 2017, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0122 2)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
March 27, 2011, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 9 pics with 41-0122-6)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 40 0212 3)
Class 40 of Unicom Tranzit
Station Campina (PH)
August 26, 2009, Aurel Mihail Dumitrescu
(other 3 pics with 40-0212-7)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 40 0212 3
(ex 40-0212-7)
Class 40 of Unicom Tranzit
Station Campina (PH)
November 23, 2020, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 3 pics with 91 53 0 40 0212 3)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0240 2)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
July 29, 2013, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 9 pics with 41-0240-6)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 41 0242 8)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
June 12, 2011, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 8 pics with 41-0242-2)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 40 of CFR Marfa
Station Campina (PH)
September 3, 2007, Stefan Stanescu
(other 3 pics with 40-0274-7)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 40 0278 4
(ex 40-0278-9)
Class 40 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
May 5, 2021, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other pic with 91 53 0 40 0278 4)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 41 0438 2
(ex 41-0438-6)
Class 41 of CFR Calatori
Station Campina (PH)
January 26, 2021, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 2 pics with 91 53 0 41 0438 2)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Class 40 of Grup Transport Feroviar
Campina (PH)
January 21, 2007, Silviu Sintea
(other 6 pics with 40-0444-6)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 40 0459 0
Class 40 of GFR
Station Campina (PH)
May 30, 2022, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other pic with 91 53 0 40 0459 0)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 40 0487 1
(ex 40-0487-5)
Class 40 of Vest Trans Rail
Station Campina (PH)
November 28, 2020, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 3 pics with 91 53 0 40 0487 1)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 91 53 0 40 0492 1)
Class 40 of CFR Marfa
Station Campina (PH)
August 5, 2009, Catalin Ghita
(other 5 pics with 40-0492-5)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

91 53 0 40 0499 6
(ex 40-0499-0)
Class 40 of CFR Marfa
Station Campina (PH)
January 16, 2021, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(-> 40-0514-6)
Class 41 of Unicom Tranzit
Station Campina (PH)
December 18, 2011, Antonio Sebastian Istrate
(other 3 pics with 41-0514-4)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

(ex 41-0514-4)
Class 40 of Unicom Tranzit
Station Campina (PH)
May 1, 2017, Antonio Sebastian Istrate